The result of our efforts : The feeling and taste of our terroirs & climats
Each of our wines has its own identity. Our aim is to allow the differences to be expressed. Better & better work practices means we become more and more discreet to the point when man’s hand cannot be seen or felt on the wine, climat.
Handpicked, the grapes are carefully sorted in order to extract the best from each vintage.
All our reds, and some of our whites, are aged for 18 months. 12 months in French oak and then 6 in tank to marry before bottling.
The percentage of new barrels is dependent on the richness of each wine, to allow each wine to take on its own character as much as possible!
We want our Pinot Noirs to be fine & elegant, the Chardonnays to be direct and pure, wines that truly express the land from which they come.
What a reward when you tell us “ Your wines are all good, but so different ! ”
Wine : Château de Chamilly
Red Wine
White Wine
Crémants and special Wine
Wine : Desfontaine's Brother
Certain appellations and certain terroirs made us wish & dream and still make us wish & dream.
Thanks to friends, who having the same philosophy as us, that dream and wish has become a reality.
To complete the range of wines at the Domaine, we buy red grapes and white "must" from some fabulous terroirs that we vinify and age for our and your enjoyment.
Our red Wine
Our white Wine
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