The people / The Desfontaine family : Winegrowers since 1592

chateau-chamilly_domaine_histoireIn existing genealogical archives, the Desfontaine have been winegrowers and farmers for 12 generations.

In 1970 Louis Desfontaine, passionate about his vineyards and wine-making, gave up arable and livestock farming. He married Véronique in 1981, and that was when the Domaine took off and quickly became a benchmark on the Côte Chalonnaise.

His premature departure in 1999 left the reins of the Domaine in Véronique’s hands, and she would hold them masterfully until the return of her two sons in 2007.

Xavier and Arnaud at Véronique’s side form a successful team which is key to the current expansion of Château de Chamilly.


Know-how : Our business Winegrowers

chateau-chamilly_domaine_le-metierAge-old traditions, family knowledge, that is the basis we work from.

Desire, a spark, a hint of madness… that is what drives our progress.

Our motto, EX NIHILO NIHIL : nothing comes of nothing.

For us everything is not set in stone and it is the daily work & decisions and our enthusiasm for this day after day that builds our future.

We like to talk about our rich and complex business, to explain our choices: serious issues without taking ourselves too seriously.

Come and spend a little time at Chamilly, and you’ll understand !